What is a Renewable Energy Community?

Author:BSLBATT    Publish Time: 2021-08-26

New Energy Model

The energy community is part of the energy transition, moving towards a more just consumer energy model, democratization, distributed, renewable energy-based power generation and respect for the environment.

The local energy community is collaboration, cooperation, sustainability and economies of scale. They are entities that focus on citizens, the production and consumption of clean energy, environmental protection, and social empowerment in the energy framework.

According to European Directive COM (2016) 864, energy communities are “associations, cooperatives, societies, non-profit organizations, or other legal entities controlled by shareholders or local members, usually value-oriented rather than profit-oriented, dedicated to distributed power generation, and At the local level, even at the cross-border level, the activities of distribution network managers, suppliers or aggregators are carried out".

The Goals & Benefits of The Energy Community

In short, these entities focus their goals on directly controlling the energy that will ultimately be consumed by the people involved in the project. Of course, use renewable energy as the center of all its activities, from production to consumption or possible accumulation.

Similarly, the term community also includes the social aspect. Starting from the community, it is composed of people with the same purpose: to change the energy model in a common way, with environmental benefits and social respect.

At the economic level, users of the energy community will benefit from the use of renewable energy from free resources and the reduction of collective purchase prices associated with economies of scale.

community energy

The energy community allows to connect people who pursue a common goal: "Democratize energy and make it more sustainable."

If you are aligned with this goal and want energy, economic, social and environmental benefits, then the energy community is your ideal choice. You will save electricity bills, use renewable energy, and you will belong to a community that values people and puts them at the center of the energy system.

Join the energy revolution!

Energy Community Alliance-Democratize energy and make it more sustainable.

The energy community allows to connect people who pursue a common goal: "Democratize energy and make it more sustainable."

The energy community is part of the energy transition to a more just and democratized model based on renewable energy generation and respect for the environment.

If you want to obtain energy, economic, social and environmental benefits, the energy community is your ideal choice. You will save electricity bills, use renewable energy, and you will belong to a community that values people and puts them at the center of the energy system.

Save with The Energy Community

The energy community is part of the energy transition, towards a more equitable energy system with consumers. Saving with the energy community is a reality, paying a reasonable price for the energy you consume and avoiding abuse by big companies.

When we receive an electricity bill every month, we have a feeling that we are paying more than we should have for the electricity we use. In many cases, we are faced with excessively high kWh prices, which are far from the true cost in the market.

The energy community provides a solution to this problem. The goal of the energy community is to buy directly on the electricity market without having to rely on large intermediary companies that retain most of the final price. In this way, you can provide your members with a fairer price.

In addition, the energy community is committed to producing renewable energy on its own. In this way, there is no need to buy so much energy from a third party to get the price drop in kWh again.

community energy solar

Through these two measures, the Energy Community has provided economic savings to all its members, which will be reflected in the monthly electricity bills. Likewise, just as importantly, it also allows environmental savings, as all energy supplied will come from renewable energy sources.

In addition to these measures, we have also added energy efficiency services, which will be reflected in our electricity bills again through economic and environmental savings. Only consume what we need, without wasting energy, is the beginning of all savings.

Therefore, due to the services provided by the energy community, its partners receive financial savings, which will be reflected in the reduction in electricity bills and environmental savings, which translate into tons of carbon dioxide not emitted into the atmosphere.

Caring for The environment with The Renewable Energy Community

It is everyone's responsibility to care for the environment, and each of us can act alone to improve the current state of our planet. However, sometimes we do not do all the actions we can do, either because of lack of resources, or because we think our small actions are useless.

The energy community provides its members with energy efficiency and energy-saving services, aiming to consume only the energy needed, thereby reducing the environmental impact of energy production and transportation.

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